By this time in the evening... I was pretty well lit... tired... suffering through a migraine and tired of getting the shit knocked out of me. So I decide to sit my ass right on the stage, in the middle, in front of Eric. Think he really cares? Not a chance? Did I get my mandatory Eric black eye? You betcha!
A blog of ramblings, pictures, videos and music from someone who's about done it all....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Long Gone Sister...
That is where I've been... and where I have been. Gonerfest that is. Talk about a good time! Of course I went down to Memphis for the specific reason to see The Oblivians and The New Bomb Turks... and got to see many other great bands while I was there. Kalamazoo was in the house! And as far as I knew, only two other people from Chicago. Now I have to say a month later my body is still feeling the effects of that show. Someday I will have to slow down and realize that I'm not 18 anymore.
New Records:
WAY too many to list. But I can tell of some notable ones:
Slayer Vinyl Box Set
Moby Grape - Wow (First Pressing)
Ohio Express - Chewy Chewy
Love - Revisited
Mott The Hoople - Rock N Roll Queen
No Bunny - First Blood
Allman Brothers - Eat A Peach
The Marvelettes - Mr. Postman
It's funny as I start going through my collection, I forget what I have and what I don't. I need to create my own personal POS system to inventory my collection.
As far as equipment goes... I got a late 80s Gibson SG. No knock off... the real deal. And man does this thing play like butter! I can't wait to really bust it out!
Well... off to write for the other things that I need to really work on. It seems the older I get the more things I need to take care of and not enough time to do them all in. 2 1/2 jobs, 2 bands, severals pets, a home to take care of. I still find time in my life to keep on keepin' on!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Superchunk - Cast Iron (live)
My favorite Superchunk song... No Pocky For Kitty just got re-released on vinyl and I've been listening to it non-stop for weeks now. So did On The Mouth which was recorded by John Reis from Rocket From The Crypt. Good jams there too but not as good as NPFK. Hands down one of the best indie rock bands from the 90's.....
7 inch records my dear Watson
So I opted for staying in this evening and watching Sherlock Holmes instead of going out tonight for The Mutiny's 20th anniversary party. I'm a lame ass in my old age. But I gotta say I was entertained by the movie. I expected it to completely suck and it didn't. Guy Richie did not disappoint. But it's still not better than Machete....
New 7 inch records that were brought home today:
Syl Johnson - Come On Sock It To Me/Try Me
Jerry Byrne - Lights Out/Honey Baby
Guitar Slim - Trouble Don't Last/Later For You Baby
Howlin' Wolf - Evil's Going On/Baby, How Long?
Little Walter - My Babe/Juke
Howlin' Wolf - 300 Pounds Of Joy/Built For Comfort
And I am excited for my first Sunday for football season! Life has meaning once again! 4 fantasy football leagues this year. I'm ready to tear it up! And some how I managed to score Peyton Manning as my QB in all my leagues.... it's a sign! Colts in the Superbowl!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Girls Against Boys - She's Lost Control
Nothing rules more than GVSB covering Joy Division.... they kill it. Kill the bass player... kill both bass players.......
Vinyl keeps a rollin' all night long...
It seems that a day doesn't go by where I don't bring home records. Good or bad... you decide. I have been on a huge Superchunk and Girls Against Boys kick lately (hint, hint) and have listened to both bands non-stop. Here are some new ones that I have gotten in the past 2 days:
Twilight - Monument To Time End
Boris and Ian Astbury - BXI
Thee Headcoats - The Sounds Of Baskervilles
Iron Madien - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (UK Pressing)
Rudy Ray Moore - Eat Out More Often
Rolling Stones - Tattoo You
Black Sheep - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Two Live Crew - We Want Some (You Know What)
Big Daddy Kane - Long Live The Kane
Tyrone Davis - Let's Be Closer Together
So a nice mix of stuff here huh? My taste in music makes no sense and I like it!
Got a new guitar pedal today.... yeah! It finally brings together the sound I was looking for. I have wrote 2 songs for G/A/A/G. I'm on a roll..... Lyrics are not my thing so that is going to be the hard part. I'll ask Jack Oblivian when I see him to write those for me instead....
Friday, September 3, 2010
The Carpenters Live At The New London - Goodbye to love
I think she borrowed this dress from Loretta Lynn... and took it in about 10 sizes.... I still love Karen Carpenter. It's all because of one shitty ass man in Billboard who wrote a review and called Karen a little chubby that sent her into her mass insanity to become thin as a stick. I officially sign up to throat punch that guy for pushing such a great singer into what I think was basically suicide. Wow.... I sound like Debbie Downer tonight....
If I were a carpenter...
.... I would be Karen Carpenter. Not that we have that much in common... I hate the taste of Ipacec Syrup, I don't weigh 93 pounds but we both do play the drums. I have no idea where this is going...
New Records:
Interpol - Interpol
Husker Du - Candy Apple Grey
Galaxie 500 - This Is Our Music
Slint - Spiderland
Is it me or does it seem like I get albums just about everyday? Do you think I have a problem/addiction? Is there a 12 step program for this? No, I'll just keep on truckin'....
After working my second "job" tomorrow, it's off to Kalamazoo! One bad thing about driving there this time of year, the deer are running and I'm driving at night. I do have deer horns but still those bastards will dart right out in front of your car. One thing I want to do while I'm back home: Machete! Or even Piranha....
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hello AmRep my old friend....

So I have finally made it back alive and in one piece from AmRep's 25th Anniversary Bash. I managed to keep my wallet safe and only dropped $40 on the new Dope Guns and Fucking In The Streets double 7". Limited to 200 copies mind you, one 7" white and the other black. Funny thing is, both of mine are white. Super score! And a God Bullies and Boss Hog shirt. You can never find AmRep shirts anywhere. The show was amazing! Got to see old friends from all over and friends that were moving away... that was sad. Met new people and kicked it Angie-style up front. In fact... I made the front picture of Brooklyn Vegan with Mike Hard. Well... at least a certain part of me did..... Gay Witch Abortion is my new fave band that they have signed and the guitar player in White Drugs was just about the cutest thing.... his belly shook like a bowl full of jelly when he played guitar. LOVED IT! Christina from Boss Hog kept her clothes on which I'm sure disappointed many a fellow there and Jon Spencer is still (Blues Explosion) #1! P.S. Melvins suck it now as King Buzzo and Big Business. Go back to Houdini... it's where you belong.
New Records:
The Necessary Evils - Spider Hands
Oblivians - Six Of The Best
Slim Harpo - The Best of Slim Harpo
The Watts 103rd Street Band - In The Jungle Baby
V/A - Battle Of The Garages
Love - Revisited
And also my pic that was on Brooklyn Vegan. Aren't we cute? Just think that I have known that man since I was 8 years old. We look good for our age.
Friday, August 27, 2010
The God Bullies - Cemetary
So here are The God Bullies.... my very first band I saw when I was 8. I started quite early and never looked back. Mike Hard (the singer) introduced me to some weird dude who accidentally knocked me over with a heavy-ass leather jacket when he put it on me. Later did I realize that this was Gibby Haynes. The God Bullies (along with KISS) were my gateway Rock-N-Roll drug that lead me into a life of playing music, collecting records, wearing band t-shirts, tattoos and still upfront at 34 at all the shows screaming lyrics and acting a damn fool as if I were 17.....
I will never grow up!
More records and AMREP Fest....
So here I sit instead of getting ready for AMREP Fest. Guess I'm not real excited about driving for 9 hours but also excited for driving for 9 hours for the first time ever. Straight through. No one to split the duties. I'm a big girl now! I love to drive anyways....
I'm looking forward to seeing Boss Hog. JSBX before he was #1 and just after Pussy Galore. And then there is The Thrown Ups.... Mark Arm before Green River, Mudhoney, Bloodloss and The Monkeywrench. Pretty much where he started. They only ever played a handful of shows and never outside the Seattle area. Pre-Angie Seattle time. This I am excited to see. And of course it's Mark Arm whom if it weren't for him I would have never got to fulfill Rock-N-Roll Fantasy #1. And then there is The God Bullies..... my old baby sitter used to date the original bass player and the two of them would come over and baby sit me. I loved Eric. I would almost say my first rock crush but not even like that. I liked him cause he was in this cool band. And I understood what that was back when I was 8. My first show ever was when I was 8 and it was The God Bullies. My mom had to ask Mike the lead singer nicely not to drop his pants since I was there. He was nice enough to oblige. Many years later I would be rolling around on stage with him making out during the show all part of the antics....
SO MANY NEW RECORDS!!!! Not only from the jobs but also from the mom. I can't even begin to tell you what I have new. Let's put it this way.... I have way over grown my giant ass 7 foot high by 5 foot wide record shelf that I don't know where to put them anymore. This does not count for the ones that are not on the shelf now as it is.
So off to get ready for my long trip.... I'll take my camera and post pictures of my weekend hopefully.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I Heart Mono!
No, not the disease... although I did have it twice at a very early age.... I'm talkin' about mono recordings. I may have the record already but heck, if I can get it on mono too, then I'm gonna snatch it up as well!
Havin' a second volunteer job at a record store I must say is good times. The guy I work for is awesome! I couldn't ask for a nicer guy to hang out with and talk records with. He isn't narrow-minded with his tastes in tunes and we go on and on all day on blues albums and 45s and KISS. I know why he calls me High Fidelity.....
So my goodies for today:
The Rolling Stones - Between The Buttons (Mono)
Smiley Lewis - Down Yonder (Mono)
Lightnin' Hopkins - Talkin' Some Sense
Etta James - Her Greatest Sides Volume One
The Rolling Stones - Out Of Our Heads (Mono)
The Rolling Stones - Now! (Mono)
Andy Mack - Later Than You Think/Do You Wanta Go
Now I've been known not to care for females when it comes to my rock.... but with my blues, that is a whole 'nother story. Seriously, is there anyone better than Etta James? Yeah, we all know At Last after hearing Beyonce sing it over and over when Obama got inducted into office but Etta had some serious other jams..... Trust In Me, I'd Rather Go Blind, All I Could Do Was Cry. She could kill it and still can. I must say.... #1 on the bucket list in my life is to see Etta James sing before we both go.
I can't wait to order my new USB turntable to get my vinyl into my computer faster than the way I can do it now. The way I do it now takes quite some time. With this new turntable, it will be instant and automatically mark in-between tracks for me. As soon as that comes in.... I'll be on my way to getting podcasts started! Shall I do theme casts? I'm liking that idea so far.
Off to watch my Steelers.... hopefully they will. I think Roethlisberger is playing tonight. Let's see how the crowd treats him.... or if the ladies run from him.....
Friday, August 20, 2010
New records to be gotten....
So today I got even more new vinyl... yeah! I did a trade with my friend Todd for an Earth record for the following:
Superchunk - No Pocky For Kitty
Superchunk - On The Mouth
And then I got myself:
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Hawk
Lots of good stuff to listen to. And no time to ever get a chance to. The only time I get to is if it has a download card and I can put it on my iPod and listen on my way on one of my many trips. Sometimes I get a chance to at the record store but since the turntable are up on this big loft, I have to climb up and it's kind of a pain. I get laughed at when I get down since I have to sit and hop down. Ah, the life of being five foot two....
Playing guitar tonight was irritating. I couldn't quite get the sound that I wanted. Do I need a different pedal? Do I need to switch amps? Do I need to use a different guitar? It's frustrating when being self-taught and you know something isn't quite right but yet you can't say "hey, this is what I need to make this sound like this".
Oh yeah.... I started up a new side band/project. A two piece garage-y, blues-y, sludge-y noisey thing. We're calling ourselves G.A.A.G. Why? Cause our initials are GA and AG. Simple enough. Now I have to come up with some tunes, which I did chime out two tonight. But I am THE WORST at writing lyrics. And now I have to learn this whole singing while playing guitar thing. This ought to be interesting.
And I've started looking into pressing plants for making a 7". Got a nice little list of ones to check out. I've begun my little project. One that I intend to finish. I think we plan on recording literally in a garage on a boombox. Vocals on a track through a Big Muff pedal. Anyone interested in putting this out? You know it will be magical....
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Seaweed "Kid Candy"
Back in 1994, I was an extra in a video for a band called Seaweed. We shot this video in one day at the Seattle Funplex. It was for a song called Kid Candy. This video ended up airing on an episode of Beavis and Butthead. You can see me in some quick cuts playing video games next to "the star" of the video. I became tight bros with these guys, especially Bob the drummer, after shooting this video. I never missed a Seaweed show after that.
Later that night my friend took me to see a show: Chokebore, The Butthole Surfers and Nirvana. Who knew that would be Kurt Cobain's last show ever.
I still think that being in the video was way better.....
New Bomb Turks @ Columbus Parking Lot Blow-Out
At this point in the day I had been standing outside sweating to death for about 3+ hours. ALways during Defiled Eric has people sit on the ground. The hell I am.... I'm in a skirt. So I opt to sit on the stage which no one has a problem with. I already had hit Matt with his own mic, had a dollar stuff down my bra by Eric and had been lifted off the ground by the buckle on the back on my skirt (That decoration came in handy after all). After all of this I still had the Gibson Bros. to sit through and later in the night.... The Oblivians. Columbus proved to be a long and good-times kind of day.....
Puppies at work.

Is there anything better than having a puppy at work? I think not. Albo brought in his new 13 week old brown Boston Terrier to work today. Coco is the cutest thing ever! Girls cannot resist puppies! Hopefully I can post a picture of him on here. He only peed on the floor twice. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
I flattened my Tyrone Davis album today at work... first pressing (thank you Kevin). Got some new vinyl today as well:
The Challengers - Go Sidewalk Surfing!
The Rhythm Rockers - Soul Surfin'
Jerry Cole and His Spacemen - Hot Rod Dance Party
All on Sundazed... all limited to 1,000 copies. Couldn't help myself! I'm such a sucker for records. It's why I need a bigger home.
Been reading up on Podcasting so I can do my first Dirty Sheets Podcast. I have all the tools. I just need to get a couple of things down and then I'll be ready to go. I'll need to figure out a way to get more of my vinyl into iTunes. That is a huge pain! I might just have to get another turntable to assist in my mission. A fifth turntable. I'll need another equipment rack.....
Back to watching my Colts vs. Bills game. Painter wants to make me cry.
At work....
Good tunes today so far.... my co-worker Brooke make me a copy of Bee Thousand from Guided By Voices which I thought was really sweet of her. My favorite GBV album. So far in rotation today on our freakin' system at work that I usually want to kick:
1. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Feast Of The Mau Mau
2. The Cramps - Stay Sick
3. Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand
4. The Mummies - Play Their Own Records
5. Butthole Surfers - Pajkfh akhdkjfdkhga;orh (Whatever it's called) ya know... the album that has Hurdy Gurdy man on it.
Neeley just came through with the shipment of special order albums and I got jilted again! Tim at Crypt just doesn't want to send me some shit!
Hopefully later I'll get to play my Brotherman and Ziggy Stardust Soundtrack.... I'm sick of hearing Neil Young and The Who.... boo.......
1. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Feast Of The Mau Mau
2. The Cramps - Stay Sick
3. Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand
4. The Mummies - Play Their Own Records
5. Butthole Surfers - Pajkfh akhdkjfdkhga;orh (Whatever it's called) ya know... the album that has Hurdy Gurdy man on it.
Neeley just came through with the shipment of special order albums and I got jilted again! Tim at Crypt just doesn't want to send me some shit!
Hopefully later I'll get to play my Brotherman and Ziggy Stardust Soundtrack.... I'm sick of hearing Neil Young and The Who.... boo.......
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
In the beginning......
So here it is... first blog posting. This is all a result of writing for Dirty Sheets which you will also find on here. I decided to start another blog with other ramblings to go along with the Dirty Sheets blog. Add pictures, tell maybe other stories about life... fun stuff ya know. I'm way new to this so we will see how long it will take until I get adjusted.
A few things about me.... I work at a music distro/audiophile supply heaven to those who worship the gear of the audiophile gods. And I also volunteer at a record store. In other words..... I work for records. It's a good fit for me. How many records do I own? Well, I need to get a bigger place in order to house them all.
I love football as much as I love rock-n-roll. It's not very likely combination but we all have our little things in life that we love... mine happens to be the Colts and the Steelers.
So hopefully this will get things started. Funny stories, funny pictures, podcasts with great music... I'll try to do it all.
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