I'm looking forward to seeing Boss Hog. JSBX before he was #1 and just after Pussy Galore. And then there is The Thrown Ups.... Mark Arm before Green River, Mudhoney, Bloodloss and The Monkeywrench. Pretty much where he started. They only ever played a handful of shows and never outside the Seattle area. Pre-Angie Seattle time. This I am excited to see. And of course it's Mark Arm whom if it weren't for him I would have never got to fulfill Rock-N-Roll Fantasy #1. And then there is The God Bullies..... my old baby sitter used to date the original bass player and the two of them would come over and baby sit me. I loved Eric. I would almost say my first rock crush but not even like that. I liked him cause he was in this cool band. And I understood what that was back when I was 8. My first show ever was when I was 8 and it was The God Bullies. My mom had to ask Mike the lead singer nicely not to drop his pants since I was there. He was nice enough to oblige. Many years later I would be rolling around on stage with him making out during the show all part of the antics....
SO MANY NEW RECORDS!!!! Not only from the jobs but also from the mom. I can't even begin to tell you what I have new. Let's put it this way.... I have way over grown my giant ass 7 foot high by 5 foot wide record shelf that I don't know where to put them anymore. This does not count for the ones that are not on the shelf now as it is.
So off to get ready for my long trip.... I'll take my camera and post pictures of my weekend hopefully.
I only know MA from GR and the 'honey.