So we all know that I am a huge fan of blues music. I got a lead on a place south of Birmingham in Bessemer AL called Gip's Place. It's pretty much OSB board with a tin roof on it in a guy's back yard and hold about 50 people. Everyone from R.L. Burnside to T-Model Ford has placed here. You bring your own booze. The bathroom is an outhouse. They cook catfish sandwiches and bbq on grills outside. This place sounds like my own personal heaven.
I imagine it like a scene out of Black Snake Moan. Even better if I got there and Samuel Jackson was playing too.
I had planned on going this weekend for my birthday but I have to work... boo! It's an hour and a half drive one way. Maybe I'll still make it down there.
An old-fashioned juke joint! It's great that places like Gip's still exist in 2011. I've never eaten catfish. Any good?